Volunteer this Anzac Day
18 - 25 April 2024
Anzac Day is an important calendar date for all Australians and a day in which Legacy commemorates the fallen by distributing rosemary to the public across various locations in Sydney.
Sprigging rosemary
Cutting rosemary into small sprigs and wrapping it with a Legacy sticker, ready to give to the public on Anzac Day (25 April 2024).
Location: Beehive Industries, Darlinghurst.
Handing out rosemary
Distributing rosemary sprigs (our gift to the public) in Sydney CBD on Anzac Day at the Dawn Service and during the march.
Taking donations
If a member of the public would like to make a donation to Legacy for their rosemary sprig, you can help us collect cash and take EFTPOS payments.