Lest we forget the families left behind

Support military families

This ANZAC Day, donate to Legacy to support Aussie veteran’s families. It is they who live with the sacrifice every day.

Legacy puts family first.

ANZAC Day donations help support the families of our Aussie veterans.


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Help pay the bills for a veteran’s spouse when their partner dies or is injured in combat
Fund education scholarships for our Aussie veteran’s sons and daughters
Legacy provides a support network for families that have been affected by military service

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Legacy never forgets the family behind our ANZAC heroes

Legacy is a volunteer-driven charity. The Legacy community wraps itself around a veteran’s family to give them the support and compassion they need. Many Legacy volunteers come from military families, so we understand the effects a life of service can have.

It’s no replacement for a loved one, but Legacy acts as both a village and an extended family. Legacy is a life-long support group for military families.

PTSD: the impact of military service on a family

Peter Cafe served his country as an ANZAC soldier in Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor. He was constantly living in a war zone. When he returned home, the impact of his experiences led to mental illness, a new kind of battle for which he wasn't trained.

His wife Gwen, and their children, were profoundly affected by Peter's post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When he was home, they lived with his deep depression, his anxiety, and the spates of anger and violence.

Peter was battling all manner of demons. He didn't feel worthy of love and tragically took his own life in the family garage.

The Legacy community wrapped itself around Gwen's Family

"I've been to absolute hell and back, with my husband's mental health issues, trying to protect my family while helping him, and then his death.

I couldn't have done it without the support of Legacy."

- Gwen, Peter's wife

At Legacy we know that there is no replacement for a loving parent, but Legacy tries to make sure that no child is left behind because of their parent's military service.

Legacy supports families when their loved one is lost or returns from service injured or unwell.

Legacy is a charity that exists to care for military families

Legacy started as a promise from one digger to another on the battlefield. "Don't worry mate, I'll take care of your family."

100 years later, Legacy still exists to care for and support the military families of our returned ANZAC soldiers.

At Legacy, we know that family is the most important thing.

Legacy remembers the ANZAC soldiers by caring for their family

Legacy never forgets the families of our servicemen & women, for it is them who live with the sacrifice every day.

This ANZAC Day donate to Legacy, the charity that supports Aussie veterans and their families.